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New Work: Circle Swirl

I just completed a new drawing called Circle Swirl. It is the first in what I hope will be a small sub-series of my Patterns of Obsession drawings. There are about 3 more preliminary sketches on my studio wall waiting their turn on the drawing board. This Swirl sub-series began with a rather small sketch I did years ago with a Sharpie pen, which I recently photographed. The digital file was then manipulated into several far more complex patterns. The resulting manipulated image was then drawn on paper using graphite pencil, the result of which you see below.

In the next month or two, Circle Swirl will be converted into a laser-cut linocut at Santo Press. It will be printed in several editions with variations of color in an 8″ square format. Additionally, I plan to hand-cut a large linoleum block (16″ square) which will also be printed at Santo Press. Thank God for Brent Bond! He doesn’t know it yet, but I want to use a rainbow roll behind the patterned image similar to the 2 editions we collaborated on in 2015;  Leaf Stripes (Dark) & Leaf Stripes (Light) .

As you can see, I’ve got big plans!

Circle SwirlCircle Swirl, 2016, graphite on paper, 16″ x 16″ on Stonehenge paper 22″ x 22″

Circle Swirl (detail)Circle Swirl (detail)

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New in The Patterns of Obsession Series: Mirrored Swirls

I finally completed a new drawing yesterday in my Patterns of Obsession series called Mirrored Swirls. The idea of it has been haunting (or intimidating?) me for well over a year and I finally decided to sit down and do it. The “mirrored swirls” concept has also been utilized in a print (or two) and was the subject of a much smaller drawing a while back.

But here is the BIG one in all her glory! It is graphite on paper, image size 16″ x 16″ (paper 22″ x 22″).

Mirrored Swirls


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