1967 Swirl
Today I completed a new painting 1967 Swirl that will also be made into a relief print by Brent Bond at Santo Press. The painting is a combination of two patterns that meld The Sixties series with my Swirls series.
The idea was haphazardly generated in my sketchbook when I collaged both patterns on one page. I really liked how it worked and after mulling it over, decided to push it further.
I wanted the pattern to be a very “clean” image (unlike the above collage) knowing that I wanted to make a laser-cut relief print out of it. So, I bit the bullet, and made as precise an ink rendering as I could manage of a one-quarter section of the pattern.
The above ink drawing was then scanned and mirrored in Photoshop.
And then I painted it…
The finished acrylic gouache painting is 15.75 x 20 inches (on paper 18.5 x 22.5 inches).
Look for the print (which will be smaller) to be released in a month or so.
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